
What Questions Should You Ask Before Hiring A Web Designer?


Your website is an important tool for your business, and you deserve for it to be the best it can be! So, what questions should you ask before hiring a web designer? Read on to find out!

Do You Have a Portfolio?

Many well-known web designers will show their best work on their own websites. Be on the look out for the samples they provide! This will give you some insight into what their capabilities are, and what they may be able to do for your site.

Do You Specialize in a Particular Industry?

A good web designer can design a website for pretty much anyone. However, it is nice to know if they have a particular niche in which they specialize in. Who knows? You could fall into their top category!

Are Your Web Designs Mobile Friendly?

Having a mobile-friendly website is a non-negotiable today. If a web designer can’t promise you this, move on! It’s in your best interest.

How Will the Website Drive Traffic and Generate Leads?

One of the main purposes of a website is to generate leads. If your web designer doesn’t have an answer behind how their work will do this, you can assume it’s not a great fit!

What Will My New Website Cost?

It’s important to get an approximation or a quote estimate from your web designer. Depending on what kind of services you ask for will make the price of your final product vary. Just remember, you often get what you pay for. So, don’t skimp out on your site!

What Will They Need From You Before Launch?

Your web designer may require access to certain content, images, and passwords. Be sure to know what they will need ahead of time so you can prepare appropriately for them. This will allow your design process to function much more smoothly!

Do You Offer Any Services Apart From Web Design?

It’s a good idea to get a web designer who has knowledge in other fields, such as SEO, social media, and other strategic digital marketing strategies. These designers will truly understand what it takes to draw new visitors to your website.

What Kind of Maintenance and Upkeep Will the Site Need?

Websites are not an end all, be all kind of project. Trends are constantly changing and your website needs to stay on top of those trends in order to stay current and relevant. Ask your web designer what kind of upkeep and maintenance your site will require once it’s complete. It’s good to know this ahead of time so you can factor this into your cost.

Do You Offer E-Commerce Services?

E-commerce websites are a whole different ballgame, so it’s crucial to know if your web designer offers that kind of service before moving forward. Try to ask them specific questions when talking about solutions or services. Make sure they have knowledge in the area before you get too invested.

Can You Create a Logo For My Website?

Most skilled web designers should have no problem designing a logo for your new website. Ask about their experience in this area, and to see previous samples of their work. Make sure you notice consistency between style and business.


You get out what you put in. Looking for some great web design? We’re more than happy to help. Contact us today!

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