
Why You Should Use A Social Media Content Calendar


A social media content calendar may sound like a big undertaking. However, it can actually help to set you up for success more than you may realize. If you’re in the habit of “live posting” your social content, now is the time to break it. We’re about to teach you the importance behind planning and scheduling your social posts. So, without further adieu, let’s get into it.

Organization & Time Saving

I know what you’re thinking. I don’t need a content calendar to stay organized. Forgive us for saying this, but you don’t know what you’re missing. Maintaining a content calendar will allow you to avoid endless scrolling time and unnecessary multi-tasking.

Ever had a day where you know you NEEDED to post on social but just couldn’t find the right photo? By planning your posts ahead, you’ll always have options laid out. No need for rushed decisions or endless scrolling. Have all your content in one place. Plus, it’s easy to see what is laid out for the week ahead when using posting platforms like Later (which is our personal favorite). Skip the hassle and plan ahead! While it may take some time to get used to in the beginning, you’ll be happy that you took this route in the long run.


Without a calendar, it’s easy to forget to post for days or even weeks at a time. You may be thinking, so what? Who cares if I miss posting for days or weeks at a time? Well, studies show your followers do…a lot!

Showing up in your audiences feed consistently greatly helps to build trust and brand recognition. In addition, it’s much easier to form genuine connections with people when you are routinely active on your social sites. You can’t grow as a brand without this phase in place. Luckily for you, content calendars make this a no brainer! Before you know it, you’ll be watching that follower count grow and the new connections and/or sales pour in.

Better Quality Content

Here at NewStyle Digital, we believe in quality over quantity any day. By taking the time to plan your content ahead, not only will you have the time to pick and choose the best of the best imagery, but you’ll also go through the extra step in editing your copy. This helps to avoid any potential spelling or grammar mistakes you may make when live posting.  By doing weekly or bi-weekly planning, you give yourself time to read through your copy and edit as necessary. Sounds simple enough, right?


In addition to avoiding any big spelling or grammar errors, using a content calendar also gives you the opportunity to plan and arrange a more aesthetically pleasing theme. By using a scheduler, you can physically see what pictures are going to be used in the upcoming days or weeks. This makes it easier to form a color palette or arrange a specific and worthy Instagram theme to fit your industry. Already thinking of some specific accounts? We can almost bet they have a calendar in place!

Efficiency in Planning Vacation

Taking some vacation days off over a holiday? Have no fear! With a planned content calendar in place, all of your posts are already taken care of! You can put real thought and effort into your holiday content, while still NEVER having to do any live social posting on the day of.

Final Thoughts

I think it’s clear to see why content calendars can greatly help your business in the long run. However, don’t forget the other social/promotional tactics needed to keep your social media site afloat. Some of these necessary tactics include liking and following other businesses, responding to DM and comments, and posting stories. Depending on your posting platform and package, some of these items may be included in fee. If not, be sure you are logging in on your own time to complete these activities.

Have tips and tricks on how to keep the perfect content calendar?! If so, drop them below in our comments section!

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